Is your small business going through some growing pains? Are you looking for fast, effective, and cost-efficient solutions that will help you grow even more? Look no further than managed print--a small business's best friend!
Why Focus on Printing?
Many small businesses hesitate on managed print for a few big reasons. Maybe they don't have too many printers yet, or perhaps they think printing is going out of style for environmental and efficiency reasons, or maybe they aren't ready to spend money on such a broad solution. No matter what the hesitation is, managed print has a solid answer. The truth is that printing is still a big part of every business, even growing ones--and as long as you print smart, you can go green while still saving green. On top of that, managed print grows and changes with you, so any time you choose to start is a perfect time. Now, let's take a look at how managed print helps small businesses by beating those growing pains!
Pain #1: Small staff
The chances are that your small business also has a small staff. That means you probably don't have experts who can spend their whole day focused on paper jams, technical troubleshooting, and other day-to-day printer problems. Managed print gives you 24/7 access to dedicated professionals who handle all the little stuff for you--that way, you and your staff can focus on the big stuff.
Pain #2: Budgeting uncertainties
If you aren't sure exactly how much ink, toner, and paper you need to order, don't worry--that's a sign that your business is growing and changing. Managed print can help you track your growth, create projections for your printing needs, and keep you from overspending in ways you might not even realize are wasteful.
Pain #3: Security
The bad news is those small businesses are often the first target of digital bad-guys. The good news is that managed print can help you lock down your printers, eliminate security weaknesses, and implement features and tools that keep your documents safe in the real world and online.
So, can managed print help you overcome your company's growing pains? Contact us today to find out!